100% Hotel Show 2023: Our Participation



100% Hotel Show 2023 – Our participation

Scent Plus participated again this year in the exhibition, 100% Hotel Show, for Hoteliers and Professionals in the field of Tourism, in Greece and abroad.

With an innovative concept, in collaboration with the specialized architects of USEARCHITECTURE and a team of construction experts, they created an artistic installation.

Our participation was a complete success!





Highlights from our participation in the 100% Hotel Show 2023

The Scent Plus team participated in the exhibition during all three days of the event, from 18 to 20 November.
Through a purely artistic look, this year’s stand was inspired by the raw material, our service, fragrance oils, nature and greenery.

Through the garden of our booth, we showcased the variety of fragrances in our range, divided into olfactory zones, allowing for exploration and direct contact with our products. We presented, 3 of our services, Scent Branding (signature fragrance), Multi-Applications (multi-applications of signature fragrance), Housekeeping (products to enhance the housekeeping experience).

In the middle of our booth, visitors had the opportunity to see three unique partnerships with major hotels in the country that have implemented Scent Branding, creating their own signature fragrance.

We discussed how Scent Plus’ unique services, along with our years of experience, contribute to the successful development of hotels.
We proposed new, innovative solutions that follow global trends in the tourism sector.









Sensory Marketing Workshop by Scent Plus

Our excitement was twofold, as we also took part in the 100% Hotel Show Workshops, entitled “Elevating Your Hotel Experience by Scent Plus”, where stakeholders were informed how hotels integrate Scent Branding into their communication strategy.

The response and interest was tremendous and was another success story of our participation in the exhibition.










By clicking here, you can see how our experiential kiosk was set up.

Thank you for honoring us with your presence at the 100% Hotel Show!



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